This database is COPYRIGHTED as an original work of the Office of Surveyor of Vigo County, Indiana (1999).
No part of this "program"(see sec. A) may be reproduced without the express written consent of the Vigo County Surveyor's office, the County Surveyor, or the database's author. The Vigo County Surveyor's office reserves the right to all aspects of the design and function of this specific database. Furthermore, the Surveyor's Office acknowledges the fact that the general and specfic information provided within this database is "public information" and may be viewed by individuals The Surveyor's Office reserves the right to discontinue public access to this specfic program, excluding all stone, county, and other relevant material which is otherwise normally open to public access. In such a case as the discontinuance of this database, all records contained herein shall continue to be accessable to the public in one form or another. Although the information provided within this database is public, the "media" (ie, the database design, structure, and function) are the private property of the Surveyor's Office, copyrighted, as an original work. All information contained within this database is deemed true and accurate to the best of the Office's knowledge however, the Vigo County Surveyor's Office, it employees, or database author(s) accepts NO responsibility for any error contained within this program. This program was designed for informational and record indexing purposes only. Unauthorized misuse is prohibited.

(A) Program refers to the design and layout of program components, information, and graphics.